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© COPYRIGHT / SERVICE MARK / TRADEMARK NOTICE:  by our "ShrimpNFish™" Family…  Copyright 2013 ShrimpNFishFlorida™, FishNShrimpFlorida™, by Gator Management Services.™, Nautical Gator, LLC..™ A People Company! All Servicemarks, Trademarks, Slogans, ©Copyright's, names, photo's, artwork, logo’s & trademarks are the property of our "ShrimpNFish™" Family... All artwork was designed for ShrimpNFishFlorida™. And may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever... for more info on Copyright Servicemarks, Trademarks, and terms of site usage. click here! [All Rights Reserved ].

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ShrimpNFishFlorida™ is Florida’s official Anglers Social Networking Community, Forum site!... where members get to share their love of the sport, interact with members, learn, tell stories, post pic's and have fun…

As you may know I'm retired and have had some coast guard training... I  have over the years performed sea tow of stranded boaters.  and recently in 2014 rescued a man overboard and brought him back to port.

About the founder of ShrimpNFishFlorida™'s Club and Forum...

I'm a Avid Angler and Sportsman, As you may know I had some coast guard training... I  have over the years performed sea tow of stranded boaters.  And recently in 2014 rescued a man overboard and brought him back to port.

I created ShrimpNFishFlorida™'s FREE online forum just for you, and I'm helping to make Fishing-N-Shrimping FUN Again.™

ShrimpNFishFlorida™ is a ShrimpingNFishing™ club and forum community... where members get to share their love of the sport, interact with members, learn, tell stories, post pics and have fun...

I believe we are the only ClubNForum™ where the owner actually does all of the sport related activities that our club and forum has to offer...

I like to lead the forum by example, so I enjoy getting out and doing not just saying.  and that is what makes our Club and Forum great... We are a Club where ALL members get out and enjoy there angling sport, we give ALL members the opportunity to become part of our “A-Team” - a network of anglers™.

You are sure to like the "variety" of angling sports we offer on this forum.

Growing up on the Ocean just steps outside my front door, I always enjoyed the sport since a youngster... throughout the years... and even today more then ever…

I founded ShrimpNFishFlorida™ mainly because I enjoy my sport and sharing my knowledge by helping others.

I created and ran my first fishing Blog and Forum for a local fishing Club where I was the webmaster back in 2006 with more the 150 members. I introduced the launch one of the first fishing blogs and forums in Florida at my first seminar back in 2006 in front of over 100 Club members which all loved the idea.

I founded ShrimpNFishFlorida™ mainly because I enjoy my sport and sharing my knowledge by helping others. I could not find any other club in this area that was drama free and where members get to meet make friends and go fishing and shrimping together. So I knew that it was meant for me to form a free online Anglers Social Networking Community and Forum for all my fellow angler friends to interact and help each other both on and off the water.

Now you can become part of our A-TEAM Network of Anglers...

At ShrimpNFishFlorida™ Where all part of the same TEAM, where all anglers that either Shrimp or Fish. We enjoy coming back and telling everyone about our Fishing or Shrimping adventure, by posting pic’s of our catches, along with the story of our catch. By being part of our “Anglers-Team”, you'll gain knowledge of what is running, all year round…

ENTER FORUM Check Out Our FREE Online Angler Forum Make Sure you; About the founder of ShrimpNFishFlorida™

Hi our Club and Forum is FREE to ALL, But takes money to operate, Your support would be helpful. Even if only a dollar or two! Thanks.