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Daughter's First Deer!

Discussion in 'Hunting - Trapping, Deer, Gator, Hog, Turkey' started by Fladux, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
    Thread Started By

    When we shoot at the range, every hole touches a hole usually.
  2. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    I know I shot a few of them. They are the best.
  3. Luke

    Luke Newbie

    Nice job. That's the gun control I want to hear about. Congrats
  4. Sandra Pillows

    Sandra Pillows Treasure Hunter

    Wow...congratulations on your first hunt....
  5. George Buck

    George Buck Powder Monkey

    Great hunt and great report. Congratulations on her success.
  6. gatortrout19

    gatortrout19 Deckhand

    Nice shot! Congrats to both of you
  7. rabelect

    rabelect Pirate

    Savage builds a fine weapon

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