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Take A Sneak Peek At Shrimpnfishflorida Magazine™ Highlights

Discussion in 'Members Action Fishing Photo Highlights' started by Nautical Gator, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Take a Sneak Peek at ShrimpNFishFlorida Magazine™ Highlights

    Our forum is like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine delivered to your door with live daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports!
    Below are actual members of ShrimpNFishFlorida™ on the covers of our Free online Fishing and Shrimping Forum, proudly displaying there Catches that were posted on our clubs free reports forum.

    Now you can become part of our A-TEAM Network of Anglers...

    At ShrimpNFishFlorida™ Where all part of the same TEAM, where all anglers that either Shrimp or Fish. We enjoy coming back and telling everyone about our Fishing or Shrimping adventure, by posting pic’s of our catches, along with the story of our catch. By being part of our “Anglers-Team”, you'll gain knowledge of what is running, all year round…
    While where not your average print magazine, where like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine with Live Daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports, How to articles, How To Videos, Shrimping Videos, Fishing Videos, Fishing and Shrimping Hot Spots, local happenings, and much, much more!

    To see more you will need to became part of our FREE Anglers Social Networking Community where we all come together to learn, interact, and share our angler adventures on and off the water, whether it be from shore or by boat." To become part of our team of Anglers is free and easy, simply click here

  2. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Our forum is like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine delivered to your door with live daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports!

    Making the cover to our Free Online Fishing and Shrimping Forum Magazine cover is Member John hodgie2411, proudly displaying his nice Red Snapper caught offshore out of Ponce Inlet Florida


    While where not your average print magazine, where like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine with Live Daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports, How to articles, How To Videos, Shrimping Videos, Fishing Videos, Fishing and Shrimping Hot Spots, local happenings, and much, much more!

    To see more you will need to became part of our FREE Anglers Social Networking Community where we all come together to learn, interact, and share our angler adventures on and off the water, whether it be from shore or by boat." To become part of our team of Anglers is free and easy, simply click here
  3. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Our forum is like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine delivered to your door with live daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports!

    Making the cover to our Free Online Fishing and Shrimping Forum Magazine cover is Member Sam NTGator, hilighted with some of the Shrimp that he caught, including a giant Shrimp-Zilla that was caught at the HC Haulover Canal one of the Best Shrimping Placed in Florida

  4. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Our forum is like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine delivered to your door with live daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports!

    Making the cover to our Free Online Fishing and Shrimping Forum Magazine cover is Member NTGator, proudly displaying his Giant King Mackerel, Alan Specialist1, proudly displaying his Giant Red Snapper, and Donna Proudly displaying her first Red Snapper all caught offshore out of Ponce Inlet Florida

  5. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Our forum is like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine delivered to your door with live daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports!

    Displayed on this months cover its that time of the year to get ready for Dolphin Season...

  6. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    ShrimpNFishFlorida™ Magazine January 2015 Edition

    Starting of the Year on the first is Pro-Angler and Man's Best Friend

    Our Free online Magazine displays Member "NotoriousToo" and his Dog Romeo
    catching Some Giant Tripletail out of Cape Canaveral Florida


    While where not your average print magazine, where like having A FREE Online Fishing AND Shrimping Magazine with Live Daily Fishing and Shrimping Reports, How to articles, How To Videos, Shrimping Videos, Fishing Videos, Fishing and Shrimping Hot Spots, local happenings, and much, much more!

    To see more you will need to became part of our FREE Anglers Social Networking Community where we all come together to learn, interact, and share our angler adventures on and off the water, whether it be from shore or by boat." To become part of our team of Anglers is free and easy, simply click here
  7. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Originally posted by SWA737 on our old Yuku forum

    Sam, the magazine covers look awesome! You can show all those other FL fishing magazines how it's done!
  8. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Summer Whiter Shrimping Is On Fire - Shrimping Magazine 2015

    Our members started catching the first of the Summer White Shrimp on July 1st 2015
    Since than the Summers White Shrimping has been on fire, with multiple Full Pulls pouring in...

    Become part of our Network of Anglers™ and join in on the FUN!!!

    Michael P. McDougald likes this.
  9. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    ShrimpNFishFlorida™ Magazine August 2015 Edition

    Pro-Angler Les aka Lobsterman

    This months ShrimpNFishFlorida Magazine™ displays Member "Lobsterman" holding up some nice Florida Keys Lobster he caught in the Keys this Lobster Season.

    Great Job Les, You did our Club Proud. thumbsup.gif

    Michael P. McDougald likes this.
  10. keep it reel

    keep it reel Lieutenant Commander

    Looks great Sam.
  11. lobsterman

    lobsterman Seaman Recruit

    Looks great Sam!
  12. Jim

    Jim Pirate

    Sam, you do an awesome job on a computer posting Photos, Mag. Cover Photos, Information & Reports & in general just keeping this site up & running in every possible way. Thank-You for all the time and energy you put into the best CLUB/FORUM on the net. Now, Mr. Lobsterman; You DEFINENTLY deserve the cover photo with the awesome job you did in the Keys. The week you spent in the Keys was an envious week for a lot of members reading your daily reports ( me for sure ) and the photos ( posted by Sam ) makes a persons mouth water. Kudos on the great looking Cover photo. To all MEMBERS, have a great & safe day whatever you might be doing. Jim.
  13. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Thanks Jim, Its nice to be appreciated thumbsup.gif
  14. robthetimekeeper

    robthetimekeeper Sailing Master

    Couldn't have said it any better! Kudos all around.
  15. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
    Photo Highlights

    Capt Bob Orrell makes it onto ShrimpNFishFlorida™ Magazine October 2015 Edition

    Capt Bob Orrell Pro-Angler, aka FishingFool

    Makes it onto this months ShrimpNFishFlorida Magazine™
    The Cover displays Member "FishingFool" holding up a Record Snook
    he caught in the Port Orange Florida in October 2015.

    Measured 28.5" and weighed 7.32# on 8# mono
    Caught on Chartreuse DOA CAL shad tail.
    A ShrimpNFishFloida™ Record Snook on 8# mono

    Great Job Capt. Bob Orrell, You did our Club Proud. thumbsup.gif

  16. John Keller

    John Keller Newbie

    Awesome! I hope to make the cover some day. Momma always said, everyone will have 5 Minutes of fame in their life....:)
  17. Gullymania

    Gullymania Pirate in the making

    Thanks to all that are involved. This is awesome!
  18. Cocoa Beach Knight

    Cocoa Beach Knight Greenhorn

    The magazine looks great, looking forward to being an active participant
  19. Ken Kimble

    Ken Kimble Greenhorn

    nice fich
  20. Bob Linders

    Bob Linders Greenhorn

    Nice articles, very informative
    Goggle Eye likes this.

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