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South Mosquito Lagoon 8/16/18

Discussion in 'Inshore Fishing Report (R)' started by JDRaider, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. JDRaider

    JDRaider Newbie
    Fishing Report By

    Some evening fishing on the south end of mosquito lagoon. Honestly it was real crappy until sunset, and then some nice reds came about to save the day. FishFi with live mullet and pinfish. IMG_20180816_203858.jpg IMG_20180816_205311.jpg
  2. mak

    mak Moderator on Deck Staff Member

    “Some nice reds”. That’s putting it mildly! nice catch!:big fish:
  3. tomkeys

    tomkeys Pirate

    Wow that's awesome. Were you wading or did you go ashore to land and revive? East side or west?
  4. Saltgasm

    Saltgasm Seadog

    Some whopper reds there. Fun to reel those big ones in!
  5. Nocatfish

    Nocatfish Seaworthy

    Wow, that's a real hog! I know she musta put up a heck of a fight. Congrats and way to hang in there and save the day.
  6. JDRaider

    JDRaider Newbie
    Fishing Report By

    Thanks guys. Bth Fishie1::1
  7. reellivin25

    reellivin25 Blackbeard

    those are some big reds, nice job!
  8. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand

    Those are some big reds!! Congratulations !
  9. Stephen Havel

    Stephen Havel Swabbie

    Great report and catch.
  10. bogman102

    bogman102 Petty Officer

    really nice Red! Good job saving the day
  11. Rich M

    Rich M Senior Forum Member

    Big redfish! Good show.
  12. seadawg

    seadawg Treasure Hunter

    Nice catch! Were you fishing on the bottom or live lining the bait?
  13. Greenedog

    Greenedog Treasure Hunter

    Congrats and thanks for the report!
  14. Love2Fish

    Love2Fish Petty Officer

    Very nice BIG red fish!
  15. neal gamby

    neal gamby Pirate

    That’s some nice looking reds!
  16. Johannes

    Johannes Blackbeard

    Impressive! That must have taken so time to reel in. How how much did thoses bad boys weigh?
  17. Bossman

    Bossman Moderator on Deck Staff Member

    That is a crazy big Red! I'd say light weight tackle whatever you had. Congrats!
  18. JWC

    JWC Pirate

    Nice reds ! Bet they put a nice bend in the rod .... Jeffrey

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