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Sebastian Inlet Gigging 1/6/20

Discussion in 'Gigging Reports = Flounder - Sheepshead - Frog (R)' started by gatorx07, Jan 6, 2020.

  1. gatorx07

    gatorx07 Pirate
    Fishing Report By

    After a couple hours of shrimping I headed to the shore to look for flounder. Saw only one small flounder on the North bank of the inlet and a HUGE snook. Moved to the South side by the boat ramp and found one 16" flounder that I landed. Lots of small snook on the South side
    Srfrdave likes this.
  2. mak

    mak Moderator on Deck Staff Member

    Flounder and shrimp for supper! Yummy
  3. Bossman

    Bossman Moderator on Deck Staff Member

    Well, we heard how the gigging went, how about the shrimping?
  4. gatorx07

    gatorx07 Pirate
    Fishing Report By

    It was slow. I posted the shrimp report in another forum/thread

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