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Profile Settings For The Iphone

Discussion in 'Mobile Phone Apps' started by keep it reel, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. keep it reel

    keep it reel Lieutenant Commander
    Thread Started By

    Well, you've made it this far so let's step it up a bit... Shall we.
    Your already signed up so let's get your profile set,

    1st go to the top of the page and find the tool bar with your handle and tap your handle.

    Click the handle (name) and the profile box opens up like below.


    Click on the appropriate title and fill in the blanks.
    As for a profile pic click the avatar, then upload a file, choose and then go to
    Photo library and choose the photo you want for your profile.

    If you want to stay in loop keep your alert settings set the way they are and you'll receive email notifications


    This should help you set your phone up so your profile is what you want it to be.
  2. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    Your doing a great job with the phone app screen shots, keep'em coming. :cheers:

  3. lobsterman

    lobsterman Seaman Recruit

    Thanks Ken
  4. Bowhunter

    Bowhunter Pirate in the making

  5. Bikn4god

    Bikn4god Greenhorn

    Thanks for the info! Good job on the details and screen shots
    keep it reel likes this.
  6. shrimpmansteve

    shrimpmansteve Seaworthy

    Thanks for the tutorial!

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