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Fwc Florida Gigging Rules

Discussion in 'Gigging Reports = Flounder - Sheepshead - Frog (R)' started by Nautical Gator, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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    Shrimp Gritter likes this.
  2. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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    Originally posted by wishingiwasfishing on our old forum

    yup. Only county in the state that you have to have 3 or fewer prongs. Makes no sense to me at all... I have my Volusia county gig's, and my rest of the state gig's that have 4 prongs. I use them in St. Augustine, P.C. and Sebastian when I get there.
  3. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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    With Flounder gigging almost here, I wanted members to know to only use three prongs...

    The amount of prongs does not matter me, I usually size up the flounder before I gig it... i then gig the flounder in the gills,

    Meaning, I have plenty of time to slow or stop the boat, look at the flounder determine its size, then gig it or help a passenger gig it...

    as far as the amount of prongs go, three prongs do the job good enough, and I do not think having more prongs would increase the amount of flounder I see or have an effect on the amount I gig...

    Jeepster and Shrimp Gritter like this.
  4. bogman102

    bogman102 Petty Officer

    I take it to read that for Flounder and Sheepshead you can gig with three prongs in Volusia County. All other speared types of fish you must use four prongs or more in Volusia County.

    How about using a single point Hawaiian sling for Flounder in Volusia County?

    How about bowfishing for Tilapia with a single point arrow?
  5. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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    Three prong in Volusia... you can use more prongs in other county's...
    I myself like three and small prongs...

    one may use what they are comfortable with..

  6. Johnathan

    Johnathan Newbie

  7. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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  8. Johnathan

    Johnathan Newbie

  9. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member
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    Bubba Creech likes this.
  10. Stanley F Dipietro

    Stanley F Dipietro Greenhorn

    Nice to know, Thanks Sam

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