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Daughter's First Deer!

Discussion in 'Hunting - Trapping, Deer, Gator, Hog, Turkey' started by Fladux, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
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    My daughter shot her first deer while hunting with me in NC. 100 yard shot with a .270. No tracking needed. Very proud of her!

    NSBJohn, gilman, MyMy86 and 3 others like this.
  2. Excellent shot and harvest, congratulations. The memory of the first will last a lifetime. Is that .270 a Remington, Savage, Winchester or other make?
  3. Goggle Eye

    Goggle Eye Seaman Recruit

    Congratulations! You look like a happy hunter. Enjoy your harvest. :eatin pizza:
  4. paleoman

    paleoman Petty Officer

    Congrats! Nice first deer.
  5. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    WTG, nice shot, now she can cook some nice Venison meals.

  6. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
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    It's a savage model 110. I love that gun. It's mine, I think she'll be getting her own pretty soon.
    Shrimp Gritter likes this.
  7. Jason Berryman

    Jason Berryman Greenhorn

    Getting kids into the outdoors!!! I like to see that more than anything!!!! WTG
    Shrimp Gritter likes this.
  8. Alps

    Alps Swashbuckler

    Right at the tip of the shoulder, yes? Good, solid shot. Nice when you drop 'em in place. Shooter's skill has something to do with that...so kudos.
  9. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
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    we were sitting on the ground, back to a tree. Did I mention it was 25 degrees? She's a trooper.
  10. Alps

    Alps Swashbuckler

    Ground...my style...bit more trouper-ism reqd. WTG!
    Shrimp Gritter likes this.
  11. Jeepster

    Jeepster Swabbie

    WTG. Leaning against a tree when the temp is in the 20's can make you think twice about going hunting again. Judging from the great smile on this young lady's face I bet we will be sharing some future hunting adventures.
  12. I own the same model in 30/06, a real tack driver or in her case a real "doe diver". lol
  13. I like ground stands in cold weather and at 25 degrees you don't have to worry 'bout no snakes slithering up beside you.
  14. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
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    In my opinion, you can spend more money on a rifle, but your not gonna get any more accuracy.
    Shrimp Gritter likes this.
  15. Fladux

    Fladux Pirate
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    Her right after the shot.

    Jeepster and Goggle Eye like this.
  16. Goggle Eye

    Goggle Eye Seaman Recruit

  17. Jeepster

    Jeepster Swabbie

    My wife got her first dear in 2015. Sure miss that Ford T-Bird.
    gilman, Shrimp Gritter and Fladux like this.
  18. slaysled

    slaysled Treasure Hunter

    Awesome, keep em in the woods and on the water and you don't gotta worry about them being in trouble.Congrats to you both.
  19. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    ever shoot a savage? they are spot on. hole in hole.
  20. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    all camoed up, cute!

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