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A New Kind Of Hog

Discussion in 'Hunting - Trapping, Deer, Gator, Hog, Turkey' started by jeff barton, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand
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    Went to check one of the hog traps the other day and found this. Now keep in mind the top of the pen is 4 feet tall.


    The worst thing is having to attach a rope to the door in order to let him out. And he wasn't happy. These things are everywhere in north Brevard County.
  2. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand
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    Here's another one.

    paleoman and Muggin Mullet like this.
  3. Nautical Gator

    Nautical Gator Forum Captain, Moderator, Peacekeeper Staff Member

    Surprise Surprise, that must have been fun to let him out Shush Smiley1::1
  4. Alps

    Alps Swashbuckler

    Yeah...must have increased the pucker factor mightily.
  5. jdham

    jdham Deckhand

    Very cool pics, I honestly did not know there were that many bears here in Brevard. Figured maybe a few but not in numbers.
  6. paleoman

    paleoman Petty Officer

    Wow great pics and thanks for sharing!
  7. bogman102

    bogman102 Petty Officer

    That must have been a surprise! Thanks for the report!
  8. Love2Fish

    Love2Fish Petty Officer

    That had to be a surprise. And people complained about the bear hunt a little while ago even though the hunters caught their limit quickly. Hmm.
  9. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand
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    jdham, we have pictures of seven different bear at one feeder. On the lease south of hwy 46. Most of the bear have come out of Miami Track hunting lease, (old Farmton and if looking on the maps app on your phone it calls it Brevard County Game Preserve), since they stopped all feeding in the southern section where they all live. Now they're in Buck Lake WMD and cross over into my piece.
    jdham likes this.
  10. Reiash622

    Reiash622 Greenhorn

    Thats crazy i have lived here my whole life and have yet to see a bear around here. Good thing i guess
  11. Eddie2002

    Eddie2002 Treasure Hunter

    I have a friend up in Ormond Beach who is a bee keeper. He lost three hives to a bear last year and ended up stringing an electric fence around the bee yard to keep the bear out.
  12. John Reid

    John Reid Powder Monkey

    Nice pics. I did not realize there were bears down here. Lots moving in back home in NY
  13. Johnnymac

    Johnnymac Pirate

    You're hitting the nail on the head concerning Miami Tract except that they all live in the southern section. I've been on that lease the last 2 years and it is absolutely above any natural carrying capacity due to the feeders. Besides that, they are so accustomed to humans not being dangerous that they have little regard for your presence if you're on stand. I've yelled and thrown everything except my bow at a cub that was right below my climber right at sundown so I could get out and it didn't budge. Members with feeders there have them on huge metal poles cemented into the ground, otherwise they don't last. Also, alot of members have been getting away from corn and using soy because the bears don't care for it as much.
    I'd be curious to know what lease is south of 46. I live right there just east of Lake Harney.
  14. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand
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    Its Seminole Ranch Conservation area owned by the St Johns Water Management. Its not a lease like Miami trac. You are picked by the land manager as the lead hog agent (which is me) then we pick our agents.
  15. Johnnymac

    Johnnymac Pirate

    Ah. Thanks for the info. Is that the first gate on the south side of 46 heading east after you cross the river? I've always wondered what that was.
  16. jeff barton

    jeff barton Deckhand
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    Yes, it in compasses about 29000 acres. It goes from rivers edge south to the bird sanctuary near hwy 50 east to the southern part of Salt Lake WMA. To the fox lake property owned by the EELS group. I was a member of Miami trac from around 2000 until last year.
  17. Johnnymac

    Johnnymac Pirate

    Now that you say that, I have seen that labelled on Google maps or somewhere.

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